Monday, March 29, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/29/10

I'm taking the week off weighing in. After my super awesome McSkinny week I indulged in pizza and mass amounts of delicious cake for my baby girl's first birthday. So I'll be back on track this week and weigh in next week. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/22/10

Why hello McSkinny, how are you today?

I'm great, thank you. Why am I great you ask? BECAUSE I LOST ANOTHER 4.6 POUNDS AND NOW WEIGH 122 pounds!!!!! :::jumping up and down and screaming:::

That is 5 lbs BELOW pre-pregnancy weight, and 3 lbs below my goal weight of 125 that I wanted to be by Thursday. SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!

Now ya'll, I was terrified that I had gained weight. Especially since last week was a week from hell with eating like crap. I ate fine this week, minus last night when we ordered Dominos. My poor baby was sick for the first time ever with a horrible high fever so I didn't put her down at all the past two days. Making dinner was not going to happen. So I was sure the water retention from all of that salt would have made the scale tip in favor of the fatty. WRONG! It was SO awesome to see after these past 2 crazy weeks. I can't believe it!!! I have not felt this good in years!

I never thought I could get down to 122 again. I am not giving up either. I'm going to keep going as long as I can. If I can get down to 118 or even 115 that would be SO awesome. Hello swim suit season! I welcome you with open arms. Now, I might not be rocking a bikini with my deflated balloon belly, but I will look damn good in a tankini. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/15/10

Please read last week's success story, because this past week has sucked. There will be no weigh-in due to the fact after everything that has happened, seeing a gain would probably send me into a fit of tears.

Last Sunday: Didn't really cheat that day too bad, but hubs smoked ribs and I ate them, with BBQ sauce. Both forbidden fruits.

Monday: Birthday. Ate leftovers after a crappy day. Nice, huah?

Tuesday: Hubs took me to Qdoba--my most favorite "fast foodish" place to eat. I was good and got a naked burrito. I was totally pumped I would not be cheating until Qdoba girl spooned a heaping spoon of rice onto my black beans. FAIL. I totally forgot about the damn rice.

Wednesday: Ate fine. Didn't get all of my veggies, but didn't cheat. About time for the week to get back on track.

Thursday: Day from hell. My daughter had peanut butter for the first time and ended up in the hospital for a severe allergic reaction and was treated for anaphylactic shock. It was a nightmare of a day. (For the whole story click HERE.) At the hospital I ate a turkey sandwich on wheat (ok, not bad) but that night after we finally got home I sent the hubs to Cookout for a burger since both of us were exhausted and cooking seemed like a mean punishment to both of us.

Let me insert here that since Thursday, my child has not slept. No naps, or at night. They put her on steroids and they are totally messing with her. No sleep for us. At all. And I can't put her down without her completely melting down.

Friday: Hubs made me my official birthday dinner. Crab legs, sweet potatoes, salad and asparagus. All was SB friendly except for the pound of butter I likely ingested with the crab and the homemade strawberry shortcake he made me for dessert. YUM. And it was my birthday so it was allowed. No guilt.

Saturday: Hubs cooked again, God bless him, and we had friends over. They all had grilled chicken sandwiches and I had a chicken salad. Until I was still super hungry and ate half of DH's second sandwich. And then I had such a crappy day I ate some leftover strawberry shortcake.

Sunday: Breakfast and lunch were ok. But after another hellacious day with a sleepless baby that cried all day long it was 8:30pm before hubs and I even thought about dinner. We finally got her to sleep (for what would only be 3 hours and have us up the rest of the night) we did what we had to do. We ordered pizza. Now, we were starving and they didn't show up until almost 10pm. We scarfed down an embarrassing amount of pizza (which was AWESOME) and began the sleepless battle again.

So that was my week. Chalked full of drama and crappy eating. I am determined that this week will be better. I am going to drop 90% of the carbs I re-introduced and do a very close version of Phase 1. Let's hope it works.

But for a super awesome happy exciting post, ready last week. It was an awesome McSkinny report and not a McStressed one like this week.

Monday, March 8, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/08/1


That said, there was cheating this weekend. My poor South Beach fairy was bitch slapped and knocked out cold so I could enjoy some martinis and a cupcake with friends. There also might have been some bacon involved too...


I still managed to lose .2 lbs, creep my way down to the 126's, AND.....


Can you tell I am absolutely off the wall excited about that? I feel amazing. South Beach has definitely changed the way I eat and most importantly how I feel. Mentally, I feel like I have slacked off the past few weeks, but I really haven't. I have just gotten used to eating this way and have made it the norm. It's great to not feel like I'm on a diet and can see the numbers drop on the scale every week.

Sure, there are a few things that I miss. Tortillas for one. I am a huge lover of all Mexican food and this is probably the hardest carb I have bid farewell.

Carrots. I LOVE carrots. And this is a phase 3 maintenance food. There is high sugar in carrots and I have had to say goodbye to those too.

And that's it. Sure, I love mashed potatoes, but I don't really miss them. I don't miss white bread, eating bread in restaurants, or sugar really. Really. Of course I ate a cupcake from my favorite local cafe and bakery yesterday and I really enjoyed it. Do I miss being able to throw junk back every day? No.

Ok, I thought of a few more. I really have wanted some pizza, cheeseburger and fries WITH KETCHUP, and a milkshake. Oh, and being able to snack on chips and salsa--my absolute fav. But I have not died without them, and seeing the numbers drop on the scale every week have really made me not give into my wants and stick to the plan.

And yes, I will cheat for certain occasions. But I will say, that I did not go "all out". My best girls, Blair, Mere, Jenny, and Heather and Susan, all went out to celebrate a few birthday's in the group. Everything I ordered (minus the 2 Watermelon Jolly Rancher martinis) were on my "allowed" food list for South Beach, for the most part. Sure, my chicken breast might have had some Gouda in the center, and my sweet potatoes were cooked with bacon (ZOMG the best. sweet potatoes. EVER.) but I had a pear and goat cheese salad to start, avoided the bread on the table, (and the spinach dip and pita app.) and felt pretty good about what I ate. I know I would probably pass out if I saw the calorie content of what I ate, but I could have done much worse, that's for sure! Sunday we all went out for lunch to round out the girls weekend, and I ordered a salad and had a birthday cupcake for my treat.

I was not expecting much as far as the weight loss this week considering I DID cheat, but I have to say I am really excited about those .2 lbs, even though it could have been a 1.2 had I not enjoyed my birthday. Regrets? Hell no. :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/01/10

Week 1 of Phase 2 is over and....

I lost 1.8 lbs slapping me right exactly at 127---PRE PREGNANCY WEIGHT on the nose! My Wii Fit never tells you exactly how much you weigh, only how much you lost. The scale just shows you the main numbers so last week I was 128.something. But today, the hash mark was right on 127 so I am pumped.

I actually felt like I had gained weight this week since I got to add a bunch of new things back in to my diet. I woke up prepared to head back to Phase 1, and braved the scale to begin a crappy Monday filled with depression and moodiness. Well, it's still Monday and I'm still kind of moody, I can't be happier about the weight loss. I think I will keep on Phase 2--at least for another week and see if I continue to drop. If I can loose almost 2 lbs in 1 week that is awesome. I would even be happier with 1.5 per week.

My initial goal was to be down to 125 before baby girl's birthday on the 25th....and I only have 2 lbs to go! Now, I would really like to drop more than that, but that would goal number TWO I will have accomplished! (The first getting down to pre-pregnancy weight.)

I have completely slacked off on recipes. Want to know why? This week has been terrible for food. Meaning boring things have been cooked and nothing exciting or tasty has left my kitchen. I have been so busy around here and exhausted so it has been everything but gourmet. ::sigh::

Every time I feel like I get stuck I just change things up a bit. Before I started South Beach I feel like I tried everything---giving up sugar, working out with various workouts, you name it. My body just needed a drastic change to jump-start the weight-loss and it has paid off! I could not be happier. I feel great and I actually can look at myself in the mirror and not feel like a cow.

Now, if there are any plastic surgeons out there that want to give me a good deal on a good quality tummy tuck to remove this extra skin, I will be forever grateful. I will cash that offer in in about 2 years or so when my uterus is closed for business. :)