Monday, April 19, 2010

McFatty Monday 4/19/10

SUCCESS! (Even after cheating with pizza at a friend's house on Saturday.)

-2.9 lbs! Now...... I am 121(point something) lbs!!!!! OMG. do you know what this means??? It means that I am SO close to weighing 118 lbs. My ultimate goal weight. And you know what? I might even try for 115. Which I have not weighed since I was like 14. I was a soccer player and carried around tons of muscle.





MY SKINNY JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right. My size 26" waist super awesome skinny jeans. HELL YES people. I DID IT! My ultimate clothes goal. I honestly never thought I would get those things on again. I figured baby girl had forever ruined my "skinny hips" and I would never be a size 4 again. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry. I'm just SO excited. I am jumping up and down. A lot. :)

What an awesome beginning to a week. It does not matter that last week sucked and a crazy bitch screwed me over for no reason. BECAUSE I AM SKINNY. (And who wants to deal with people like that anyway? )

McFatty Monday 4/19/10

SUCCESS! (Even after cheating with pizza at a friend's house on Saturday.)

-2.9 lbs! Now...... I am 121(point something) lbs!!!!! OMG. do you know what this means??? It means that I am SO close to weighing 118 lbs. My ultimate goal weight. And you know what? I might even try for 115. Which I have not weighed since I was like 14. I was a soccer player and carried around tons of muscle.





MY SKINNY JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right. My size 26" waist super awesome skinny jeans. HELL YES people. I DID IT! My ultimate clothes goal. I honestly never thought I would get those things on again. I figured baby girl had forever ruined my "skinny hips" and I would never be a size 4 again. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry. I'm just SO excited. I am jumping up and down. A lot. :)

What an awesome beginning to a week. It does not matter that last week sucked and a crazy bitch screwed me over for no reason. BECAUSE I AM SKINNY. (And who wants to deal with people like that anyway? )

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday Journal

All 64oz water consumed!

Breakfast: Egg cups, bacon
Snack: cheese
Lunch: chili
Snack: almonds
Dinner: chili and cheese

(hey, it was a long day and we had a lot left over!)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Phase 1 Food Journal

I am forcing myself to write a food journal for Phase 1 again since it really helped me stay on track last time.

Breakfast: 2 egg cups
Snack: string cheese
Lunch: taco salad (sans chips)
Snack: Broccoli
Dinner: Chili

Water goal: Not met. Approx 40oz consumed. Goal: 64oz +

Monday, April 12, 2010

McFatty Monday: 4/12/10

Another Birthday, another excuse. Time to face the music. I mean scale.

I started this week off great on Phase 1 of South Beach. Well, this PAST week. All was perfect until Friday. It was the hub's birthday weekend and we had wine with dinner Friday. And I spaced out I couldn't eat sweet potatoes during phase 1. So 2 cheats. Then came Saturday. I was good all day, and then we went out for his birthday dinner at Wild Wing and ate boneless wings until we were stuffed silly. And I also had a handfull of fries and 2 Woodchuck hard ciders. And then a slice of my homemade oreo cheesecake to top off the birthday celebration. Yesterday my allergies were killing me and I was a hot mess. So what did I eat? I had some tomato soup and a grilled cheese. Both not approved phase 1 foods. Too much sugar in the soup and I can't have whole wheat bread until phase 2. And then the most embarrassing confession. We had
McDonalds for dinner since I was a puddle of misery. I am not going to admit what I ate.

So when the scale revealed my FIRST gain since I started my journey, I was not totally surprised, even though I did phase 1 for 5 days. So today I start all over. Week 1 day 1. Oh, and my gain was 2.2 lbs, kicking me up to 124. UGHHHHHHHH. Oh how I loved sitting at 122. It felt great to be that close to 120. Now I am back at about 125. I know I really need to face the scale every week. That way I don't keep on the carb bandwagon. It is swimsuit season people! I have GOT to stay in shape! I can't let the numbers keep creeping up. That just can't happen.

My "Aunt" is here too, so that COULD have something to do with the gain. But I can't just blame that.

So there you go internet. My confessions and pledge to only go down from here! (In pounds that is!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

McFatty Monday 4/5/10


Oy. Not only did I fall head over heals off the bandwagon 2 weeks ago, but I stood there with pizza in one hand and cake in the other and waved goodbye while stuffing my face.


First the babe was sick. And then came her party--BBQ, hushpuppies, slaw, CAKE. OMG the cake. 3 tiers of sugar glory. Chocolate chocolate, vanilla strawberry, and chocolate raspberry. HEAVEN on a plate. And you know what? I didn't stop at her party. I ate it the rest of the week. On top of pizza, tacos, pizza, ice-cream (hey, it was on sale) and pizza. Oh, and did I mention pizza?

Now, I did not mean to eat pizza 5 times in 2 weeks, it just sorta happened. Twice with my parents here due to crazy busy schedule, once with the hubs. And then the 2 extras---I was supposed to go pick up an amazing salad from my favorite cafe Thursday and have dinner and watch Twilight with my good friend. Hubs ordered pizza for himself and then I ended up having to cancel and stay home due to a million different things. So I ate pizza. Again. And last night was another accident. My rescheduled girls night with our favorite salads foiled due to the fact it was Sunday (EASTER nonetheless) and they closed at 6pm. Momma can't leave the house until 7:30pm due to snuggling the babe before bed, so that was another fail. And everywhere else was closed due to the holiday. But God know it, Papa Johns was opened. So pizza number 5 was consumed.

So this week begins the detox. Back to South Beach Phase 1. I'm pretending my Wii is on holiday for Easter and will not work today, so I'm avoiding the weigh! I have not seen my number go up since I started, so I'm not about to ruin a perfectly good day. I am not worried about losing a ton of weight, but I HAVE to get my body back to feeling healthy. I have to get "off" the sugar and carbs. I have totally been such a cheater and threw my body for a nose dive and I can feel it. I just feel.....blah. Slugish. Bloated. Nasty.

Today is day 1 of Phase 1. Again. I am going to break the bod from the "bad stuff" again and get back on track. I am excited to feel healthy again. And if I knocked off those extra 5 lbs I am hoping to kick that wouldn't be bad either. :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/29/10

I'm taking the week off weighing in. After my super awesome McSkinny week I indulged in pizza and mass amounts of delicious cake for my baby girl's first birthday. So I'll be back on track this week and weigh in next week. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/22/10

Why hello McSkinny, how are you today?

I'm great, thank you. Why am I great you ask? BECAUSE I LOST ANOTHER 4.6 POUNDS AND NOW WEIGH 122 pounds!!!!! :::jumping up and down and screaming:::

That is 5 lbs BELOW pre-pregnancy weight, and 3 lbs below my goal weight of 125 that I wanted to be by Thursday. SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!

Now ya'll, I was terrified that I had gained weight. Especially since last week was a week from hell with eating like crap. I ate fine this week, minus last night when we ordered Dominos. My poor baby was sick for the first time ever with a horrible high fever so I didn't put her down at all the past two days. Making dinner was not going to happen. So I was sure the water retention from all of that salt would have made the scale tip in favor of the fatty. WRONG! It was SO awesome to see after these past 2 crazy weeks. I can't believe it!!! I have not felt this good in years!

I never thought I could get down to 122 again. I am not giving up either. I'm going to keep going as long as I can. If I can get down to 118 or even 115 that would be SO awesome. Hello swim suit season! I welcome you with open arms. Now, I might not be rocking a bikini with my deflated balloon belly, but I will look damn good in a tankini. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/15/10

Please read last week's success story, because this past week has sucked. There will be no weigh-in due to the fact after everything that has happened, seeing a gain would probably send me into a fit of tears.

Last Sunday: Didn't really cheat that day too bad, but hubs smoked ribs and I ate them, with BBQ sauce. Both forbidden fruits.

Monday: Birthday. Ate leftovers after a crappy day. Nice, huah?

Tuesday: Hubs took me to Qdoba--my most favorite "fast foodish" place to eat. I was good and got a naked burrito. I was totally pumped I would not be cheating until Qdoba girl spooned a heaping spoon of rice onto my black beans. FAIL. I totally forgot about the damn rice.

Wednesday: Ate fine. Didn't get all of my veggies, but didn't cheat. About time for the week to get back on track.

Thursday: Day from hell. My daughter had peanut butter for the first time and ended up in the hospital for a severe allergic reaction and was treated for anaphylactic shock. It was a nightmare of a day. (For the whole story click HERE.) At the hospital I ate a turkey sandwich on wheat (ok, not bad) but that night after we finally got home I sent the hubs to Cookout for a burger since both of us were exhausted and cooking seemed like a mean punishment to both of us.

Let me insert here that since Thursday, my child has not slept. No naps, or at night. They put her on steroids and they are totally messing with her. No sleep for us. At all. And I can't put her down without her completely melting down.

Friday: Hubs made me my official birthday dinner. Crab legs, sweet potatoes, salad and asparagus. All was SB friendly except for the pound of butter I likely ingested with the crab and the homemade strawberry shortcake he made me for dessert. YUM. And it was my birthday so it was allowed. No guilt.

Saturday: Hubs cooked again, God bless him, and we had friends over. They all had grilled chicken sandwiches and I had a chicken salad. Until I was still super hungry and ate half of DH's second sandwich. And then I had such a crappy day I ate some leftover strawberry shortcake.

Sunday: Breakfast and lunch were ok. But after another hellacious day with a sleepless baby that cried all day long it was 8:30pm before hubs and I even thought about dinner. We finally got her to sleep (for what would only be 3 hours and have us up the rest of the night) we did what we had to do. We ordered pizza. Now, we were starving and they didn't show up until almost 10pm. We scarfed down an embarrassing amount of pizza (which was AWESOME) and began the sleepless battle again.

So that was my week. Chalked full of drama and crappy eating. I am determined that this week will be better. I am going to drop 90% of the carbs I re-introduced and do a very close version of Phase 1. Let's hope it works.

But for a super awesome happy exciting post, ready last week. It was an awesome McSkinny report and not a McStressed one like this week.

Monday, March 8, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/08/1


That said, there was cheating this weekend. My poor South Beach fairy was bitch slapped and knocked out cold so I could enjoy some martinis and a cupcake with friends. There also might have been some bacon involved too...


I still managed to lose .2 lbs, creep my way down to the 126's, AND.....


Can you tell I am absolutely off the wall excited about that? I feel amazing. South Beach has definitely changed the way I eat and most importantly how I feel. Mentally, I feel like I have slacked off the past few weeks, but I really haven't. I have just gotten used to eating this way and have made it the norm. It's great to not feel like I'm on a diet and can see the numbers drop on the scale every week.

Sure, there are a few things that I miss. Tortillas for one. I am a huge lover of all Mexican food and this is probably the hardest carb I have bid farewell.

Carrots. I LOVE carrots. And this is a phase 3 maintenance food. There is high sugar in carrots and I have had to say goodbye to those too.

And that's it. Sure, I love mashed potatoes, but I don't really miss them. I don't miss white bread, eating bread in restaurants, or sugar really. Really. Of course I ate a cupcake from my favorite local cafe and bakery yesterday and I really enjoyed it. Do I miss being able to throw junk back every day? No.

Ok, I thought of a few more. I really have wanted some pizza, cheeseburger and fries WITH KETCHUP, and a milkshake. Oh, and being able to snack on chips and salsa--my absolute fav. But I have not died without them, and seeing the numbers drop on the scale every week have really made me not give into my wants and stick to the plan.

And yes, I will cheat for certain occasions. But I will say, that I did not go "all out". My best girls, Blair, Mere, Jenny, and Heather and Susan, all went out to celebrate a few birthday's in the group. Everything I ordered (minus the 2 Watermelon Jolly Rancher martinis) were on my "allowed" food list for South Beach, for the most part. Sure, my chicken breast might have had some Gouda in the center, and my sweet potatoes were cooked with bacon (ZOMG the best. sweet potatoes. EVER.) but I had a pear and goat cheese salad to start, avoided the bread on the table, (and the spinach dip and pita app.) and felt pretty good about what I ate. I know I would probably pass out if I saw the calorie content of what I ate, but I could have done much worse, that's for sure! Sunday we all went out for lunch to round out the girls weekend, and I ordered a salad and had a birthday cupcake for my treat.

I was not expecting much as far as the weight loss this week considering I DID cheat, but I have to say I am really excited about those .2 lbs, even though it could have been a 1.2 had I not enjoyed my birthday. Regrets? Hell no. :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/01/10

Week 1 of Phase 2 is over and....

I lost 1.8 lbs slapping me right exactly at 127---PRE PREGNANCY WEIGHT on the nose! My Wii Fit never tells you exactly how much you weigh, only how much you lost. The scale just shows you the main numbers so last week I was 128.something. But today, the hash mark was right on 127 so I am pumped.

I actually felt like I had gained weight this week since I got to add a bunch of new things back in to my diet. I woke up prepared to head back to Phase 1, and braved the scale to begin a crappy Monday filled with depression and moodiness. Well, it's still Monday and I'm still kind of moody, I can't be happier about the weight loss. I think I will keep on Phase 2--at least for another week and see if I continue to drop. If I can loose almost 2 lbs in 1 week that is awesome. I would even be happier with 1.5 per week.

My initial goal was to be down to 125 before baby girl's birthday on the 25th....and I only have 2 lbs to go! Now, I would really like to drop more than that, but that would goal number TWO I will have accomplished! (The first getting down to pre-pregnancy weight.)

I have completely slacked off on recipes. Want to know why? This week has been terrible for food. Meaning boring things have been cooked and nothing exciting or tasty has left my kitchen. I have been so busy around here and exhausted so it has been everything but gourmet. ::sigh::

Every time I feel like I get stuck I just change things up a bit. Before I started South Beach I feel like I tried everything---giving up sugar, working out with various workouts, you name it. My body just needed a drastic change to jump-start the weight-loss and it has paid off! I could not be happier. I feel great and I actually can look at myself in the mirror and not feel like a cow.

Now, if there are any plastic surgeons out there that want to give me a good deal on a good quality tummy tuck to remove this extra skin, I will be forever grateful. I will cash that offer in in about 2 years or so when my uterus is closed for business. :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

McFatty Monday 2/22/10

Well Good Morning and HAPPY SKINNY DAY!

South Beach Phase 1 is officially over and.....

I AM AT 128!!! That is ONE pound from my pre-pregnancy weight. HELL YES people. I am really doing this! Now, when I got pregnant, my body was much different and I was still about 5-7lbs heavier then I really wanted to be, so my goal is to keep going as long as the body will allow. I know I probably won't/can't weigh 118 again, but I would be happy between 120 and 125. I do want to tone the flabby mommy tummy, if that is even possible. This extra skin is not fat and just is not going away. Ain't pretty.

But anyway....

I feel GREAT. If you look at yesterday's post, I can now fit in some of my pre-pregnancy jeans comfortably, with a little ROOM! My size 8 jeans that I purchased after I lost the bulk of my baby weight are now too big and fall off my butt. I am going to try and not buy anymore "in between" jeans and just pray I can get my old favorites to fit me. They WILL go on, but they do not fit. Comprende? So I am officially calling myself a size 6. I am close to a 4 and I'm hoping that the new shape of my body can still get down size 4 clothes. We'll see. :) I am pumped to keep going and I am even tempted to keep going on Phase 1 since it was so easy for me. But I am going to go into Phase 2 today and see if the pounds will still come off. We'll see how this week goes and if I'm still dropping weight--even if it's only a little--I'll stick to Phase 2. If not, I'm going back on Phase 1. Well...maybe after my birthday so I can eat some cake. :)

It feels so good to finally have some successful weight-loss! I am motivated. Swim suit season is just around the corner and I'm not going to be fat this year!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am going to have to go shopping because....

My new jeans are now TOO BIG!!! BOO YA! I got some really great comfy jeans from Target of all places after I dropped most of my pregnancy weight. Size 8's. Now I will need a 6! AND...I got my "skinny" jeans on my body today. It was not pretty, but they have gone further then they have in over a year. Hell yes! There just might be hope for me getting back into them. I am still not completely convinced they will actually fit me again due to the hip issue. I could tell when I put them on that my hips definitely are going to be the deciding factor. That is ok though. I did put on my Buckle jeans from college during my "not the skinniest I have ever been phase" and they went right on and buttoned with a bit of room! YAY! Even the hubs commented on how nice they made my butt look. Right on! It felt great to be back into some old jeans. If I can drop 10 more lbs those jeans might even be too big like they were before I got pregnant. A girl can hope... :)

Tomorrow is the last day of Phase 1. I will say, I am going to cheat tomorrow night. With mere hours to go. My friend and I are going out to celebrate our birthdays ALONE with a pedicure and dinner out. And we are getting a drink. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Home Stretch

Only 3 more days of Phase 1! It's hard to believe. The website was right---time started flying by. I don't even feel like I'm suffering or missing out. Although, I saw a Hardee's commercial last night when watching the Olympics and I really wanted a burger and fries!

I weighed myself today and.....

LOST 1.1 lbs! Now I officially am 130 lbs and SO close to being back in the 120's. I did think I would lose more weight in Phase 1, but I can't complain too much because this definitely jump started the process and has gotten my body used to losing weight. I am so tempted to sticking to Phase 1 for even longer, but I think I will move to phase 2 with care and not go too crazy. I really don't feel like I'm missing out on things and I want to hit that 129 mark before Monday. I hope my body can do it!

I did notice something though. When I eat 2 cups of "real" veggies vs. 2 cups of lettuce, I seem to lose more weight. I have been eating spaghetti squash and roasted broccoli this week. Yum!

Monday, February 15, 2010

McFatty Monday 2/15/10

1 solid week down on South Beach Phase 1, 1 to go! I feel great and have seen results. If you have been following my week of updates and recipes, you will see that as of Saturday, I have lost 3.3 lbs! I did weigh again this morning to get a total for the week, but it said I gained 0.2lbs. This did not at all surprise me since my lovely "Aunt" is in town again, so she brought along her good friends Bloating and Water Retention. Meh. The over all number is still 131 which makes me happy, and I am confident that when I weigh in next Monday I will be in the 120's again.

It feels really great to actually report SUCCESS for a McFatty post. The past month I have been so let down it felt like nothing has worked. THIS WORKS. My milk is barely hanging on, but there---and I have not stopped. I would probably be losing more weight if I did not add a small bowl of oatmeal to my breakfast every morning. But due to the milk troubles, I feel like it helps and the baby is the most important thing ever. So there you have it---I'm losing weight!

Goals, not posted this past week due to a big fat forgetful mind, were ALL MET! I drank all my water every day, and I did not eat ONE SINGLE sweet treat. No chocolate touched these lips. Not even a tiny sip of wine or my favorite--champagne--. Sticking to the plan and the motivation for dropping these last 6 lbs are high motivation people. Sure, it was a crappy week to try the no sweets thing. The hubs was dying to get me some white chocolate covered hand dipped strawberries from Rockey Mountain Chocolate Factory, but he restrained. He got me an iPod Touch instead. HOLLA! I was so excited. Wait--AM so excited. I got a super awesome gift that was not filed with empty calories. It was perfect. :)

So if you want to check out this past week, scroll down the page and see what I have been eating this week to drop the el-bee's.

Oh, my recipe and menu for the day:

Stuffed Poblano Peppers

1 can of black beans
1 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 jalapeno peppers
4 poblano peppers
2-3 cooked and shredded chicken breasts--seasoned with Mexican spices
1 small onion
1-2 cloves of garlic--minced
1 can green enchilada sauce/green chili
fat free cheese

Preheat oven to 375. Cut tops off Pablano peppers and remove seeds carefully. Place in a baking dish with a small amount of water so they do not scorch. Roast for approx 20-30 minutes. While peppers are cooking, Saute onion, garlic and chopped jalapeno in a pan just until soft. Remove from heat and add to large mixing bowl. Add 1 can of drained black beans. Add shredded seasoned chicken. Lastly, stir in cilantro.
Remove peppers from oven. Add shredded cheese to the bottom of each pepper and stuff with mixture. Sprinkle cheese on top. Pour enchilada sauce over peppers and in the baking pan. Bake for 20-30 minutes until peppers are soft.

Meals for today:
Breakfast: oatmeal and Ham, Egg, Cheese cups
Snack: lean turkey meat, celery and radishes with red pepper hummus
Lunch: Salad with leftover chicken mix from stuffed peppers
Snack: cheese stick with pistachios
Dinner: Chicken fajita salad (fajitas for the hubs) with onions and bell pepper.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Truck'n Along

I failed to report yesterday, but I wanted to give my modification a good solid day's try before seeing the results.

I am VERY happy to say, that I am only doing a small modification and it seems to have really helped the milk issue. According to Phase 2, you can eat oatmeal, just not instant. One of my BFF's Jenny posted this recipe for Kath's oatmeal on her blog and I tried it out. As much as I hate "real" oatmeal, it was not too bad. Granted, it will be much better when I can add peanut butter to it like she does, or pumpkin. (Only 1 tsp of PB is allowed in P1 and you can only eat nuts once per day. Pumpkin is P2). I shook some cinnamon and nutmeg in the oats this morning and it went down better.


I'm down another .9 lbs! So, that comes to a total weight loss of 3.3 lbs since Monday! That is great! I am also sitting right about 131.5 so I am ALMOST to the 120's again! I am excited. If I can lose 4 lbs during week 2 then I will be down to my pre-pregnancy weight!!! I feel so much better. My clothes fit me better and my husband even notices a big difference when he hugs me. And my hip bones poke out again! SCORE.

Oh, and as a sidebar---I noticed my milk did better when I did not work out. I think my body needs to hold on to all the calories I AM eating since breastfeeding burns between 300-500 calories a day. I think by adding workouts it was hindering the milk flow as well, so that will stop until I hit Phase 2 or 3 depending on how the trial goes. :)

Yesterday's Meals:

Breakfast: Small bowl of oatmeal and ham egg and cheese cups
Snack: Pistachios and string cheese
Lunch: Steak salad with black beans and cheese
Snack: salad with chopped chicken*
Dinner: Spinach salad with casserole*

*We went to a friend's house for dinner last night so I ate some salad before we went to make sure I got my 2 cups of veggie quota and ate an extra helping of spinach salad instead of having a large portion of casserole. (Which was not SB friendly.) Worked out fine! All in moderation. :)

Today: More snow. NOT GOING TO EAT BADLY!

Breakfast: oatmeal and ham cup
Snack: Cheese stick and lean turkey deli meat
Lunch: Chicken salad with chick peas and red pepper hummus
Snack: hummus and celery
Dinner: Cornish game hens. (The meal that didn't happen the other night. They were still frozen!)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Attn Mom's Who Breastfeed

This diet is NOT FOR YOU. Which includes me. See below.

So yet ANOTHER thing standing in my way. It's like God wants me to be squishy.

Should I have Googled before I jumped head first into this diet? Yes. But I did not. And then my milk went away. Shocker.

So after waking up to deflated boobs I discovered the link which has led me to a few frustrated breakdowns.

First, I got on the scale. Minus 2.4 lbs people! SOMETHING IS FINALLY WORKING FOR ME and now I am facing having to stop.

Second, I have been doing great. This has not been hard on me AT. ALL. I am feeling great and I want to keep going.

But. I have battled low milk supply throughout the past year and have never given up. My goal was to breastfeed the baby until she was a year old. She is almost 11 months (still can't believe this) and the finish line is so close. I am not going to just throw in the towel now and give her formula. Even if it means breaking the rules a bit for my super awesome diet.

So here is what I have decided to do. I am going to just eat oatmeal in the mornings like I had been doing, and maybe 1 slice of whole wheat bread for lunch to add some starch back in. Oatmeal helps milk supply and it wouldn't be a bad starch. You can add that back in Phase 2, so I might be like 95% Phase 1 and 5% Phase 2. I am hoping this will help boost the milk back up and I can still drop some weight.

I know the video says not to do Phase 2 either, but honestly, I didn't eat that far off from Phase 2 to begin with, minus pizza's and other junk and sugar. So I am not too worried. But we'll see.

As for yesterday, I didn't post because it was a crazy day. Tuesday I did not get on Satan Trainer at all, but I did yesterday! I met all of Wednesday's goals and felt fantastic. (Minus the drop in milk.) Oh, and for those wondering, I did have enough in there to feed the babe so she did not starve in any way. Just so you know. :)

Yesterday's Meals:
Breakfast: Ham, Egg, and Cheese Cups
Snack: Celery with low fat cottage cheese
Lunch: Chicken salad with chick peas
Snack: Pistachios and string cheese
Dinner: Steak and chicken fajita salad with onions and green pepper. (YUM!)

Recipe for today:

Cilantro Pesto

1 1/2 Cups lightly packed cilantro leaves. (I did pack it down a bit more because I love cilantro.)
3 TBSP Lime juice
3 TBSP Olive Oil
2-3 cloves minced garlic
1/3 cup walnuts
1/4 tsp salt
Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender until smooth.
Great for steak, chicken, and turkey!

I love to spread this on sandwiches too--when I can eat bread. :)

Meals for today:
Breakfast: Ham, Egg, Cheese Cup
Snack: Celery and Cottage Cheese
Lunch: Leftover Fajita Salad
Snack: Almonds and string cheese
Dinner: Roasted Cornish Game Hens with roasted vegetables (Broccoli for me, carrots and potatoes for the rest of the family.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SB Friendly Southwest Chicken Salad

I am proud to announce that Day 1 of South Beach went GREAT! I didn't even suffer! I thought it was pretty easy and the food I made was delish. Now, ask me again in a week and I will probably never want to see chicken or eggs ever again, but at the present time, all is A-OK.

I think I am going to post my meals for the day to give other people ideas. I will try and post 1 recipe a day too.

Yesterday for breakfast I had a Ham, Egg, and Cheese cup (recipe from yesterday).
Snack--10 Roasted Almonds
Lunch--Chicken salad with celery, fat-free cheese and balsamic vinegar spray dressing
Snack--30 pistachios and 1 low-fat string cheese
Dinner--Southwest Chicken Salad (recipe below)

Yesterday's Goals: ALL MET!

Breakfast--Ham, Egg and Cheese Cup
Snack--Cottage Cheese and Celery
Lunch--Chicken Salad with chick peas
Snack--30 Pistachios and string cheese
Dinner--Steak with cilantro pesto, roasted broccoli, salad

Goals for today:
Satan Trainer minimum 15 minutes
Drink minimum 64oz water

Southwest Chicken Salad
3/4 Cup--1 Cup chopped or pulled chicken breast***
1/2 Cup Black Beans
2 TBSP salsa
1 stalk celery
1/8-1/4 Cup Shredded Fat Free Cheddar cheese
1 Tsp olive oil
Balsamic or red wine vinegar to taste

In a microwave safe bowl mix salsa and chicken together. Add beans. Heat chicken and black beasn in microwave for 1 minute. Add cheese and microwave 1 additional minute. Chop celery and lettuce and top with chicken and bean mix. Drizzle with oil and vinegar. I am a huge fan of Cholula hot sauce and I topped my chicken with that as well. :) It was filling and very tasty!

***Chicken tip: At the beginning of the week, boil 4-5 boneless skinless chicken breasts in a large pot of water with garlic salt and pepper. (This helps with the smell of just plain raw chicken cooking. Personally, I can't stand that smell!) It also gives it a very very mild flavor. Boil until temp reaches at least 165 degrees and easily will shred. Cool and shred and store in an air tight container for easy use for the week. This is a FAT FREE way to cook chicken! No frying, no oil and it's much faster than baking.

Monday, February 8, 2010

McFatty Monday 2/8/10

Well Hello Failure, nice to see you for another week.

This week sucked for several reasons.

1. It is now February and I was supposed to be down at LEAST 4 lbs. Dropping 1 lb a week is not a lot to ask, people.

2. I felt like crap. Still don't know why, but headaches plus working out = NOT WORKING OUT.

3. Food, food, food. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL.

So some drastic things are happening this week. I am sick of reporting negatives. I am sick of not giving my 100% to losing the weight. I was giving it a good 40% if I am brutally honest. After I stopped riding Satan Trainer every day, even for just 10 minutes and started the 30 Day Shred with Jillian, things just got in the way. Like headaches and babies. So this week I am focusing on the food, not the working out. Don't get me wrong, I am going to try Satan Trainer out again just to get moving every day if it kills me, but it will be a secondary goal to my food discipline.

This week, today in fact, marks Day 1 of South Beach diet Phase 1. For those of you who are not familiar with the SB diet, it is a carb-lovers nightmare. It's a high-protein diet, lots of green veggies, and NO SUGAR. NO STARCH. NO ALCOHOL. Well, at least for Phase 1. This torture will last 2 weeks and detox the body of carb cravings, sugar cravings, etc. Phase 2 can last for as long as you want. It introduces "good carbs" back to your diet to help your body manage staying on track and eating healthy ALL the time, so it's not a crash diet. Once you are satisfied in the weight loss, you enter Phase 3---management. It helps you control how many starchy foods you eat, sugar, etc. It's supposed to help teach you how to change your eating habits. While I am able to usually eat whatever and not gain weight, this will help me eat better and keep me healthy. Lord knows pizza and milkshakes are not included on the food pyramid!

So, I have to admit, I am freaking out. This is a high-egg diet and have I mentioned how much I hate eggs? Well, let me rephrase. I hate scrambled eggs. I am a yolk-lover, so I have my eggs fixed in ways that do not scramble or "mix" the yolk with the white. Hard-boiled, soft-boiled, over-easy, sunny side up and my favorite...eggs in a window. For those of you who are in the dark about the most FABULOUS way to eat an egg, you cut out a piece of bread with a biscuit cutter and carefully crack your egg in the hole. You fry it until you can see the bottom is cooked, and flip it carefully. Make sure the white is cooked, but your yolk is still runny. I usually pour hot sauce all over mine and dip the bread I cut out in the yolk. OMG I want bread now.

But I am going to survive. I did find a great recipe for breakfast that is super easy and showcases the egg in a good way. And you know what? It even tastes pretty darn good too.

Ham, Egg and Cheese Cups

Put a piece of low-fat or fat-free ham (I use a slice of lean deli ham) in a muffin tin. Layer a slice of fat-free cheese over the ham. Crack an egg in each muffin cup and bake at 375 until the white is no longer runny. I think I cooked mine like 25 minutes.


Also, I am going to try my hardest to post my daily goals EVERY day this week and stick to them. I really need to get back on that and focus on myself. I have been so busy with the house and the baby that I get lost in the mix. And I am worth it, damnit.

Goal for Today:
Make my SB Breakfast and Lunches for the week. (Already DONE!)
Drink at least 64 oz of water.
Satan Trainer for a minimum of 15 minutes.

And to answer dear Blair's question:

I have 7 lbs to pre-pregnancy weight.
I would like to lose 10 at the minimum though.

I am counting on never fitting into my size 4's again, thanks to my favorite girl in all the world who stretched out my hips and then decided she wanted to come out my stomach instead.
Not to be let down, I want to at least get down to 125. I would LOVE to be 118 again, but I have not seen that number since I was 24. The day I turned 25 God gave me the gift of 3 extra pounds. And then when I turned 26 I got 3 more. So I think 125 is a good starting point.

If SB does not do anything to drop my weight, I'm spending Keira's college fund on lipo. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

McFatty Monday 2/1/10

Let me just get this out of the way and say I lost 0.0 lbs and gained 0.0lbs. NO CHANGE. Now this makes me happy and pissed at the same time. I will explain below.

First of all, let me start out by saying Jillian kicked my ass this week with the 30DS. I did worked out 4 days this week. Better than just 3, not 5 which is what I would have liked. I did work my ass off and totally feel better physically. It's even ::gasp:: getting easier. I expected 1 of 2 things to happen--the scale to reflect my good work, or prove the muscle I know I was gaining weighs more than fat.

So, I do feel like I did a great job this week, but the ugly truth is I am still sitting at 134. somthing and I still have 10 lbs to lose before March 25th. The past 30 days have done nothing but kick 1 effing pound. That is partly my fault, but partly because life is not fair.

I have cheated, yes. We all know about my unholy binge last time due to my "Aunt" that was visiting. Well, this week brought about a whole new set of challenges. IT SNOWED.

Now, I am from the great state of Colorado where it is normal to have to scrape snow off of your car in -10 degree weather for the better part of the winter and spring, and the only way anything was going to close is if the snowplows were in some sort of pile-up on I-25. School NEVER CLOSED.

Enter North Carolina. If the weatherman even utters there might be a CHANCE of a "wintry mix" in the forecast, the city goes into a widespread panic. Schools are automatically either closed or put on a delay, everyone rushes out to the store to buy bread, milk, eggs, and water, and they start squirting a salt brine on the streets about 2 days ahead of time JUST TO BE SAFE.

For once, the weather guy seemed to know what the hell he was talking about this time, and we got almost a foot of snow at our house. A VERY rare occurrence and highly welcomed by our household of snow lovers. But with the warm and cozy feeling that falling snow brings also comes comfort food. Enter confessions of a snowed in foodaholic.

The snow started falling Friday night. We had a delicious pot of chili. Not bad and I didn't even over-do it on the cheese or corn chips that resided in the bottom of my bowl. But then the hubs--AKA Super Metabolism Man --who can eat a case of girl scout cookies and lose weight (yes, this actually did happen), made the most delicious pan of brownies EVER. I ate 3. (In my defense, they were really small.) Saturday we awoke to a winter wonderland. I made breakfast burritos--stuffed with green chilis, potatoes, sausage, eggs, and cheese. FAIL. Ate 3 more brownies. FAIL. Chili for dinner. Pass. The chili we make is not that bad. Sunday was filled with calories. I won't lie. Repeat breakfast. Lunch--quick snack of a burger tray at Cookout that we DID share, and then homemade pizza for dinner. FAIL FAIL FAIL.

So yes, good thing I didn't gain weight. But here is my thing I am getting mad over.

I was not gaining any weight before I started my quest to lose it. The extra 10 lbs (give or take) were leftover from the babe. I was eating whatever I wanted and did not gain any weight. At all. Now, here is where my personal logic comes into play. Surely, if I start working out and burning extra calories, I will LOSE weight, right?

WRONG. And I don't know why. I am eating better than the norm and I'm still not dropping pounds. I could eat all that before and stay the same weight. I eat like that, even a little better, and work out and stay the same. To me, that does not make a DAMN BIT OF SENSE. It's pissing me off.

So, maybe just maybe, I gained muscle this week and it canceled out the fat I lost so my scale just looked unkind. I do feel slimmer and my stomach is flatter. I even had to tighten my drawstring on my PJ pants that I leave tied at all times. Something has to be working. Right?

Monday, January 25, 2010


According to the Wii, I gained 1.1 lb. F$%^K.


I did do my 30 day shred work out and signed up online for Jillian's program that is free for 30 days. So we'll see.

McFatty Monday 1/25/10

30 Day Shred take 2. After that hellacious workout and day 1 of my Shred, I stopped. Why? Well, because that was level 2 and the only one "On Demand" on cable so I was waiting to borrow my friend's DVD. I re-started the Shred Saturday and OH MY GOD. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me. Muscles I didn't know I even had. That's great, right? Makes you really feel like you worked out and burned some of those calories. Well, I was SO sore I could hardy walk down my stairs yesterday and alas, I didn't Shred.

I am currently sitting in my living room in my workout attire waiting for a break in the baby action (AKA nap time) to get back into the groove. My "Aunt" is gone thus so are the excuses for chocolate binges and whining about cramps. I HAVETOWORKOUT. Satan trainer now has a dust film over him, and I don't care. Well, I do care, but I don't. I hate that thing. I don't really feel like I ever get a great work out because I can't force myself to work out hard on it. Jillian, on the other hand, will kick my ass and hard, so I would rather focus my time on those 2o minutes really busting my ass then farting around on Satan for a half-ass attempt at "exercise".

Food-wise last week--ok at best. Not terrible, but not super. I made good healthy-ish dinners all week but I did join a friend at California Pizza Kitchen and had about 3 chocolate covered cherries total over the course of the week, in addition to 1/3 of a Cookout milkshake I stole from my 6-year old step daughter, a small Ghiradelli peppermint bark square, and 1 jolly rancher. Oh, and there might have been a chocolate piece of birthday cake thrown in there, several glasses of wine, a Woodchuck hard cider, and a small brownie.

Holy smokes. When I write it out, one word comes to mind: FAIL. At least I didn't eat fast-food on top of all that. But I should mention the trip to Wild Wing with hubs yesterday and the dirty truth about consuming the above said Woodchuck as well as 10 boneless wings and a few fries. The fries---truth. I only ate a few. Hubs demolished the basket before I could even notice them. That was a blessing. Also, it was the ONLY meal I ate yesterday since we missed breakfast and ate about 2pm. It was not too terrible, right?

My goals for the week were only a half success. I gave up on Satan Trainer and I didn't drink nearly as much water as I should have. And the sweets.....yeah. FAIL on that too..

Want to know something tough? I feel skinnier. I don't know HOW that is even remotely possible, and I am scared to get on the Wii Fit and have the fat ugly truth be told about my binge. I guess I need to anyway. Because that is how I will know Jillian is working after a solid week of the Shred. I need to see some success next week to stay motivated. So I will get on my scale and brave the truth. We shall see in an updated post later today what the damage is.

Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

30 Day Shred Day 1

I picked a really crappy week to give up chocolate. That said, Monday I had another cookie bar and yesterday I had one little chocolate covered cherry. And I didn't work out, but I DID watch the Biggest Loser. Does that count?

Today I started the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michales. She kicked my ass and I wanted to die, so I guess I got a good work out! ::pats on the back for me::

Keira and I shared a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast (for big people, not the Gerber kind) and I had a turkey sandwich and tomato soup for lunch. I really want some more chocolate to make this SHIT day get better, but I'll just drink some water and pretend.

Tonight for dinner--roasted Cornish game hens with roasted veggies. There was supposed to be a salad to that too, but we are out of lettuce. FAIL.

Monday, January 18, 2010

McFatty Monday 1/18/10

I'm skipping weigh-in this week. 3 clues as to why:

Bloating. Hormones. Tampax.

Enough said. I'm not going to do that to myself. I KNOW that I will weigh more this week. I always around this lovely time. Super unfair. But this also motivates me to bust my tail at losing more so I will have a bigger drop for next week. Fingers crossed. I did not get on Satan trainer every day, thus my 1 big resolution to at least do 10 mins has already been a FAIL.

I have no excuse except that I'm trying to figure out a "normal" schedule. Keira is not a fan of sleeping through the night, even at 9 months. It's getting to the point of complete exhaustion. I have not slept in 18 months. 9 months of getting up 4+ times a night to pee, and 9 months of getting up 3 times a night to feed and snuggle the squirrel. But that is another story... back to my fat ass becoming my hot skinny ass.

Accomplishments this week:

Eating more veggies and not calling Dominos! I tried roasted broccoli this week courtesy of one of my awesome friends, Jenny. I used fresh broccoli florets and just tossed 'um in minced garlic and olive oil and roasted in the oven. YUM. A+ Jenny! I also made steamed chicken with potatoes and carrots. Very healthy dinner! Great way to start the week.

(We will not mention my lunch today at California Pizza Kitchen. Although it sounds healthy, I'm almost positive the pear and Gorgonzola pizza and waldorf chicken salad I shared with my friend is not Jillian friendly.)

Tonight was chimichuri steaks, mashed potatoes and salad. I did pour a glass of red wine and took 2 small sips before putting the kiddo to bed. I have not touched it again. I'm sharing my sofa with my Nalgene and not looking back.

Goals for this week:

Start the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels. I'm scared. But going for it. I was supposed to start today but I'm not sure that will happen. ::sigh::

Drink more water.

Back in the saddle with no sweets. I had ONE cheat day since the first of the year with sweets. We went to a birthday party yesterday and I had one, and only one, delicious buckeye and a very small piece of cake. And I made the hubster chocolate chip cookie bars and ate one. So there are my confessions, Father, for I have eaten sinfully. And I enjoyed it. Thoroughly.

Get back on Satan Trainer.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Recipe and....

I LOST 2 LBS! ::doing the butter churn dance::

My Wii Fit revealed to me that I am now at 133! This is coming after yesterday when it told me that I gained 1.1. I did go blow dry my hair after that and it did kick me down to -.7 (I have thick hair y'all), so this new loss was very unexpected and a great surprise. (And I wear the same clothes, weigh at the same time of day, etc.) HALLELUJAH. So it does seem that all of those days on the Satan Trainer have taken off some of the flab. Even if it's only 2 pounds. It's still something. And I guess cutting sweets and resisting all of my leftover Christmas candy that is staring at me RIGHT IN THE EYES every day has paid off too. (Although, after seeing that number drop yesterday I *almost* rewarded myself with a chocolate covered cherry. But I didn't. I'm going to a birthday party this weekend where there is supposed to be some killer cake, and I am saving my cheat day for a tiny slice. TINY.

My daily goal yesterday was to actually do better on Satan Trainer. Did I mention I LOATHE that thing? Well, after my super awesome Wii said I was not as fat as the day before, I jumped on dear Satan and rode him hard. For 20 whole minutes until the baby woke up. And I actually felt like I did work out this time. For real. Not just getting on and stopping ever few seconds to guzzle some water and check the timer. Satan Trainer is GHETTO and does not have a working timer OR calorie counter. Which pisses me off. I have begged the hubs to buy me a new one but he assures me that I will still burn calories without me seeing a number. Still, I like to know what the torture is producing, if anything.


I got a decent workout in and made some delicious healthy soup for dinner. (We will not mention the leftover spaghetti with sausage that I ate for lunch, however, accompanied by a hunk of garlic bread...)

I found this recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup on allrecipies and I really liked it. Here it is. I did made some modifications, which I will add as well in italics.

Chicken Tortilla Soup

1 onion, chopped
3 cloves of minced garlic
2 whole fresh jalapeno peppers, chopped
1 TBSP olive oil
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 (28oz) can crushed tomatoes
1 (10.5oz) can chicken broth
1 1/4 cups water
1 can corn
1 can hominy
1 (4oz) can chopped green chili peppers (I used 7oz)
1 (15oz) can black beans drained
1/4 chopped fresh cilantro (I used like a Cup. I LOVE cilantro)
2 boneless skinless chicken breast cooked and shredded
Crushed tortilla chips
shredded cheese

I boiled my chicken and then shredded it.

In a large stock pot heat oil over med. heat. Saute onion and garlic in the oil until soft. I also threw in my jalapeno. Then add chili powder, oregano, crushed tomatoes, chicken broth and water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Stir in corn, hominy, black beans, chilies, cilantro and chicken. Simmer for 10 minutes.

I topped mine with shredded cheese, crushed tortilla chips and sour cream. You can also add onions, or whatever floats your boat. Pretty tasty stuff!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

McFatty Monday 1/11/10

First of all, because I didn't mention this before (FAIL) McFatty Monday is directly related to one of my BFF's blog--Heir to Blair. We are supposed to share our weight loss goals, ramblings, bitch sessions, etc, all related to unwanted fat deposits on our bods.

So here it goes. 1 week into McFatty, these are my accomplishments. (Start with the good?)

Ok. We'll start with the good.

I have been sweets/junk food free for 1 week! And you know what? I don't miss it. (Too much).

I have successfully been on my elliptical machine (which I have officially named the Satan Trainer because it's HELL to get on the damn thing) EVERY DAY but 1 in this past week. 6 out of 7 days aint bad folks.

Now some of those days were only 10 minute sessions due to the fact it is close to impossible to do anything with a mobile babe in a room full of cords and plugs. But I stuck to my goal and at least got on the damn thing. And did have an elevated heart rate. Always a plus.

Now for the bad.

I have not really tried too hard on modifying my diet. To be 100% honest, I can pretty much eat what I normally eat and stay the same weight, so it's hard for me to cut things out. Now, I did cut out sweets and junk. I have to be honest and say I'm banking on this helping some.

Now, I KNOW I have to make some changes to lose weight since what I currently eat is keeping me the same weight. That said, this weekend I successfully order Dominos pizza Friday for dinner, made Belgian waffles and bacon for breakfast on Saturday, ate leftover pizza for lunch, and ate a hunk of garlic bread for dinner with spaghetti.

This week, my goal is to eat more veggies. I did plan a weeks worth of good meals for us, did all the shopping and I'm ready to start!

So, going to keep my goal to avoid junk and sweets and add veggies in replacement for some of that pizza. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Wii Wii all the Way Home

Pats on the back for me. ::pat. pat:: I did not eat sweets at all this week, got on that damn elliptical machine EVERY. DAY. Yesterday I even managed to get 30 minutes on the elliptical instead of just 10, PLUS I "worked out" on my Wii Fit for AN HOUR. An hour people. I call it "working out" since their definition of a "calorie roaster" can either make you want to cry or leave you with no elevated heart rate and there is no sign of breaking a sweat. I ran (in place--fun, right?), did step, hula (which does make you work out), and ended things with some balancing. It was not what I can call a good work out, but it was hellava lot better than sitting on my ass watching TLC.

It was 144 days since I had been on the Wii Fit, and since my last visit I lost 2.4 pounds and that was without trying. So AMEN. I am just thankful I did not gain any weight. Now I am only 6 pounds from being in the 120's again and thank the Lord for that. I was worried I weighed more, so it was a nice surprise. 135, not where I want to be, but it's not bad. I would love to be down 15 lbs and sit comfortably at 120, but we'll see. I was 118 until I turned 25. Then 5 lbs magically glued themselves to me and I could not shed them no matter what. All my clothes still fit, so I didn't care too much. I was about 127-130 when I got preggers, so I am not far off from my pre-pregnancy weight. I still want to lose more than that though, so I'll keep on trucking.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brussel Sprouts Made Over

I know what you are thinking---bad smelly green balls that the cafeteria lady has been boiling for over a week...

Oh contraire! My wonderful cousin Courtney mentioned a tasty-sounding recipe for these over Christmas, so I thought I would once again brave the brussel. I think my mother made these ONCE when I was little. Enough said.

So, yesterday's adventure was like the second time EVER that I have eaten a brussel sprout. And I have to say, that after that, I will eat them again.

I have no idea what this recipe is called so I'm calling it Southern Roasted Brussel Sprouts since they feature a southern favorite--the famous pecan. Behold the glory:

Southern Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Fresh brussel sprouts (I used one bag.)
2 TBSPs olive oil, or just enough to coat.
1 Cup crushed pecans
2 cloves finely minced garlic
Salt and Pepper

Heat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut the end off the spouts and then cut the sprouts in half and discard the outer, looser leaves if they are still on there (most of them will easily fall off).

Toss with enough olive oil to coat, around 2 tablespoons. Add salt, pepper, 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, and about a cup of crushed pecans. Toss to coat and place cut-size down on a large jellyroll pan or rimmed baking sheet. Roast for about 25 minutes, until you notice they are tender and browning. I usually give the pan a few good shakes or reach in there oven and stir a few times.

Were they the BEST THING I EVER ATE? No. But they were a hellofalot better than your standard boiled green ball of stank. I did like them and I will probably make them again. They did taste pretty non-stinky and the nuts really made them extra special. Give 'um a try!

In other news, I still have yet to work out today. I am hoping to get on the elliptical tonight after Keira goes to bed since the hubs is out with a friend for dinner. What I really want is a glass of wine and my box of chocolate from Christmas. I really need cabinet locks...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Wish Willpower Came in Pill Form

Because there is a bowl of chocolate in my kitchen calling my name. But I have NOT caved! I have eaten a fair share of cheese today, but that's for my bones. Well, that's what I like to tell myself.

I only got 10 minutes on my elliptical again today due to running late and needing to be dressed and presentable for child drop-off. (I watch another baby Monday--Friday).

I did stick to my no sweets goal for today and it's hard. I really want to raid the Christmas candy. Damn that skinny husband and his freakish metabolism that allows him to eat whatever the hell he wants and not gain weight. @$%^&*

I need to go shopping for healthy lunch stuff. I don't think my cheese diet is going to help these pounds come off. I am sick of apples. I don't like bananas anymore. I can't seem to buy a good pear, and avocados are awesome but expensive and high in fat. Although, I'm told it's a "good fat". Now, I'm no nutritionist, but in my opinion fat is not good, in any shape or form. But whatever.

This baby is 9 months old and I am going to drop 10 pounds by her birthday if it kills me.

I really should work harder at this. I really loath working out though. Have I mentioned that yet?

Monday, January 4, 2010

McFatty Monday--1/4/10

Well, here it goes. A brand new blog for a brand new bod. I swore I would be down to pre-baby weight (and even minus a few extra lbs) by the time my child turned 9 months old. You know they say it takes 9 months to gain the weight and will take 9 months to lose it. Well, that is only true if:

1. You actually work out and stop eating chocolate (HA)
2. You are one of those bitches who looked like a stick with a bump while pregnant and delivered every extra ounce you put on with your baby

I was also told that if I breastfed the pounds would magically melt away. Another funny one considering my child has never had a drop of formula.

Now, I do have to say, I did drop a lot of weight, but it was mostly water. That's my kind of weight loss folks---pee and lose inches. Well, turns out you can't pee out fat, so here I am. Doing what many people do around this time of year: resolve to lose the extra pounds.

I am 5'1" so 5 lbs shows. Well, I would like to lose 15lbs. I want to wear a size 4 again. I am hell bent on trying, even though I have a feeling that my daughter stretched my hips out beyond a size 4. (And it was for no good reason--the little stinker was cut out of me, thus hips did NOT need to get wider.)

So here it goes: my get skinny goals for 2010.

I have started out small so I don't fail. It's foolish to promise to work out an hour a day when I can't even get a full round of laundry done. Every day I set a small goal for myself. I started out on January 1st with the goal to not eat ANY sweets for the whole day. SUCCESS! I have also made it a goal to work out a minimum of 10 minutes per day on my elliptical trainer. If I'm having a crazy day, that's all I might be able to do. Regardless, my butt will be on that damn thing if it kills me, EVERY DAY. That way I will be in a routine, even if it is one of those days where it seems like a pointless 10 minutes. I got 20 in on Sunday, so I'm doing pretty darn good!

Today I only got in 10 minutes since it was a crazy morning and my first day watching my friend's little girl. I even WOKE UP EARLY to get my work out in. That was a major accomplishment for me considering my child hates to sleep so I soak up the slumber when I can.

My daily food goal is to not eat any sweets today. I am going to throw away the leftover Christmas cookies today, the angel food cake from New Years Eve fondue, and hide my chocolate covered calories cherries.

Keira will turn one on March 25th and by then I had better be down 10 lbs. That is less than 1 lb a week. Come on skinny jeans!