Monday, March 15, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/15/10

Please read last week's success story, because this past week has sucked. There will be no weigh-in due to the fact after everything that has happened, seeing a gain would probably send me into a fit of tears.

Last Sunday: Didn't really cheat that day too bad, but hubs smoked ribs and I ate them, with BBQ sauce. Both forbidden fruits.

Monday: Birthday. Ate leftovers after a crappy day. Nice, huah?

Tuesday: Hubs took me to Qdoba--my most favorite "fast foodish" place to eat. I was good and got a naked burrito. I was totally pumped I would not be cheating until Qdoba girl spooned a heaping spoon of rice onto my black beans. FAIL. I totally forgot about the damn rice.

Wednesday: Ate fine. Didn't get all of my veggies, but didn't cheat. About time for the week to get back on track.

Thursday: Day from hell. My daughter had peanut butter for the first time and ended up in the hospital for a severe allergic reaction and was treated for anaphylactic shock. It was a nightmare of a day. (For the whole story click HERE.) At the hospital I ate a turkey sandwich on wheat (ok, not bad) but that night after we finally got home I sent the hubs to Cookout for a burger since both of us were exhausted and cooking seemed like a mean punishment to both of us.

Let me insert here that since Thursday, my child has not slept. No naps, or at night. They put her on steroids and they are totally messing with her. No sleep for us. At all. And I can't put her down without her completely melting down.

Friday: Hubs made me my official birthday dinner. Crab legs, sweet potatoes, salad and asparagus. All was SB friendly except for the pound of butter I likely ingested with the crab and the homemade strawberry shortcake he made me for dessert. YUM. And it was my birthday so it was allowed. No guilt.

Saturday: Hubs cooked again, God bless him, and we had friends over. They all had grilled chicken sandwiches and I had a chicken salad. Until I was still super hungry and ate half of DH's second sandwich. And then I had such a crappy day I ate some leftover strawberry shortcake.

Sunday: Breakfast and lunch were ok. But after another hellacious day with a sleepless baby that cried all day long it was 8:30pm before hubs and I even thought about dinner. We finally got her to sleep (for what would only be 3 hours and have us up the rest of the night) we did what we had to do. We ordered pizza. Now, we were starving and they didn't show up until almost 10pm. We scarfed down an embarrassing amount of pizza (which was AWESOME) and began the sleepless battle again.

So that was my week. Chalked full of drama and crappy eating. I am determined that this week will be better. I am going to drop 90% of the carbs I re-introduced and do a very close version of Phase 1. Let's hope it works.

But for a super awesome happy exciting post, ready last week. It was an awesome McSkinny report and not a McStressed one like this week.


  1. I came to your blog from Blair's McFatty Monday...just wanted to say that I'm so glad that your little girl is ok.

    And, less importantly, Wii Fit will actually tell you your exact weight...go to your graphs, then the "weight" tab, I think, and it should show you your weight in actual numbers, not just on the scale. It took me forever to find it, so I just wanted to share.

    Good luck this week!

  2. Lala, after your week, you deserve a break. Birthday & what happened to K was enough to send anyone to the moon. You're doing awesome.

    BTW, The Momma has dictated that we're giving Harrison his first taste of peanut butter in the hospital parking lot. Not kidding.

  3. I don't blame you. I considered this and regret my "at home" experiment.
