Monday, March 22, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/22/10

Why hello McSkinny, how are you today?

I'm great, thank you. Why am I great you ask? BECAUSE I LOST ANOTHER 4.6 POUNDS AND NOW WEIGH 122 pounds!!!!! :::jumping up and down and screaming:::

That is 5 lbs BELOW pre-pregnancy weight, and 3 lbs below my goal weight of 125 that I wanted to be by Thursday. SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!

Now ya'll, I was terrified that I had gained weight. Especially since last week was a week from hell with eating like crap. I ate fine this week, minus last night when we ordered Dominos. My poor baby was sick for the first time ever with a horrible high fever so I didn't put her down at all the past two days. Making dinner was not going to happen. So I was sure the water retention from all of that salt would have made the scale tip in favor of the fatty. WRONG! It was SO awesome to see after these past 2 crazy weeks. I can't believe it!!! I have not felt this good in years!

I never thought I could get down to 122 again. I am not giving up either. I'm going to keep going as long as I can. If I can get down to 118 or even 115 that would be SO awesome. Hello swim suit season! I welcome you with open arms. Now, I might not be rocking a bikini with my deflated balloon belly, but I will look damn good in a tankini. :)


  1. Congrats!!! That is awesome. I'm pretty sure my stomach will never see the sun again!

  2. You are AMAZING. Mere & I were talking today about how we cannot WAIT to land our eyes on your skinny ass. Will I even be able to hug you without you breaking?!?!
