Monday, March 1, 2010

McFatty Monday 3/01/10

Week 1 of Phase 2 is over and....

I lost 1.8 lbs slapping me right exactly at 127---PRE PREGNANCY WEIGHT on the nose! My Wii Fit never tells you exactly how much you weigh, only how much you lost. The scale just shows you the main numbers so last week I was 128.something. But today, the hash mark was right on 127 so I am pumped.

I actually felt like I had gained weight this week since I got to add a bunch of new things back in to my diet. I woke up prepared to head back to Phase 1, and braved the scale to begin a crappy Monday filled with depression and moodiness. Well, it's still Monday and I'm still kind of moody, I can't be happier about the weight loss. I think I will keep on Phase 2--at least for another week and see if I continue to drop. If I can loose almost 2 lbs in 1 week that is awesome. I would even be happier with 1.5 per week.

My initial goal was to be down to 125 before baby girl's birthday on the 25th....and I only have 2 lbs to go! Now, I would really like to drop more than that, but that would goal number TWO I will have accomplished! (The first getting down to pre-pregnancy weight.)

I have completely slacked off on recipes. Want to know why? This week has been terrible for food. Meaning boring things have been cooked and nothing exciting or tasty has left my kitchen. I have been so busy around here and exhausted so it has been everything but gourmet. ::sigh::

Every time I feel like I get stuck I just change things up a bit. Before I started South Beach I feel like I tried everything---giving up sugar, working out with various workouts, you name it. My body just needed a drastic change to jump-start the weight-loss and it has paid off! I could not be happier. I feel great and I actually can look at myself in the mirror and not feel like a cow.

Now, if there are any plastic surgeons out there that want to give me a good deal on a good quality tummy tuck to remove this extra skin, I will be forever grateful. I will cash that offer in in about 2 years or so when my uterus is closed for business. :)

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