Monday, April 5, 2010

McFatty Monday 4/5/10


Oy. Not only did I fall head over heals off the bandwagon 2 weeks ago, but I stood there with pizza in one hand and cake in the other and waved goodbye while stuffing my face.


First the babe was sick. And then came her party--BBQ, hushpuppies, slaw, CAKE. OMG the cake. 3 tiers of sugar glory. Chocolate chocolate, vanilla strawberry, and chocolate raspberry. HEAVEN on a plate. And you know what? I didn't stop at her party. I ate it the rest of the week. On top of pizza, tacos, pizza, ice-cream (hey, it was on sale) and pizza. Oh, and did I mention pizza?

Now, I did not mean to eat pizza 5 times in 2 weeks, it just sorta happened. Twice with my parents here due to crazy busy schedule, once with the hubs. And then the 2 extras---I was supposed to go pick up an amazing salad from my favorite cafe Thursday and have dinner and watch Twilight with my good friend. Hubs ordered pizza for himself and then I ended up having to cancel and stay home due to a million different things. So I ate pizza. Again. And last night was another accident. My rescheduled girls night with our favorite salads foiled due to the fact it was Sunday (EASTER nonetheless) and they closed at 6pm. Momma can't leave the house until 7:30pm due to snuggling the babe before bed, so that was another fail. And everywhere else was closed due to the holiday. But God know it, Papa Johns was opened. So pizza number 5 was consumed.

So this week begins the detox. Back to South Beach Phase 1. I'm pretending my Wii is on holiday for Easter and will not work today, so I'm avoiding the weigh! I have not seen my number go up since I started, so I'm not about to ruin a perfectly good day. I am not worried about losing a ton of weight, but I HAVE to get my body back to feeling healthy. I have to get "off" the sugar and carbs. I have totally been such a cheater and threw my body for a nose dive and I can feel it. I just feel.....blah. Slugish. Bloated. Nasty.

Today is day 1 of Phase 1. Again. I am going to break the bod from the "bad stuff" again and get back on track. I am excited to feel healthy again. And if I knocked off those extra 5 lbs I am hoping to kick that wouldn't be bad either. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hear you!!! Yesterday was MURDER between the candy & mashed potatoes & beef & yumminess abounding.
