Monday, January 25, 2010

McFatty Monday 1/25/10

30 Day Shred take 2. After that hellacious workout and day 1 of my Shred, I stopped. Why? Well, because that was level 2 and the only one "On Demand" on cable so I was waiting to borrow my friend's DVD. I re-started the Shred Saturday and OH MY GOD. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me. Muscles I didn't know I even had. That's great, right? Makes you really feel like you worked out and burned some of those calories. Well, I was SO sore I could hardy walk down my stairs yesterday and alas, I didn't Shred.

I am currently sitting in my living room in my workout attire waiting for a break in the baby action (AKA nap time) to get back into the groove. My "Aunt" is gone thus so are the excuses for chocolate binges and whining about cramps. I HAVETOWORKOUT. Satan trainer now has a dust film over him, and I don't care. Well, I do care, but I don't. I hate that thing. I don't really feel like I ever get a great work out because I can't force myself to work out hard on it. Jillian, on the other hand, will kick my ass and hard, so I would rather focus my time on those 2o minutes really busting my ass then farting around on Satan for a half-ass attempt at "exercise".

Food-wise last week--ok at best. Not terrible, but not super. I made good healthy-ish dinners all week but I did join a friend at California Pizza Kitchen and had about 3 chocolate covered cherries total over the course of the week, in addition to 1/3 of a Cookout milkshake I stole from my 6-year old step daughter, a small Ghiradelli peppermint bark square, and 1 jolly rancher. Oh, and there might have been a chocolate piece of birthday cake thrown in there, several glasses of wine, a Woodchuck hard cider, and a small brownie.

Holy smokes. When I write it out, one word comes to mind: FAIL. At least I didn't eat fast-food on top of all that. But I should mention the trip to Wild Wing with hubs yesterday and the dirty truth about consuming the above said Woodchuck as well as 10 boneless wings and a few fries. The fries---truth. I only ate a few. Hubs demolished the basket before I could even notice them. That was a blessing. Also, it was the ONLY meal I ate yesterday since we missed breakfast and ate about 2pm. It was not too terrible, right?

My goals for the week were only a half success. I gave up on Satan Trainer and I didn't drink nearly as much water as I should have. And the sweets.....yeah. FAIL on that too..

Want to know something tough? I feel skinnier. I don't know HOW that is even remotely possible, and I am scared to get on the Wii Fit and have the fat ugly truth be told about my binge. I guess I need to anyway. Because that is how I will know Jillian is working after a solid week of the Shred. I need to see some success next week to stay motivated. So I will get on my scale and brave the truth. We shall see in an updated post later today what the damage is.

Fingers crossed.


  1. I am with you on thinking you did so well all week untill you have to write it all down! I told myself last week I was going to keep a food journal well that was a FAIL. I think I'm not ready to face my demons quite yet. Good luck this week.

  2. & don't you hate her even more when she says shit like, "Abs like these don't come for free!" I KNOW, JILLIAN. I GET IT. & I STILL HATE YOU.

    & you just made me hungry. for wings & fries.

  3. Ok, it took me about 4 minutes to figure out which aunt was at your house...but then I remembered the cramps, the bloating, etcc.... I may be slow, but I AM old. We never called it our "aunt" when I had one...

  4. Level 2 is kicking my butt too! I've decided to use other workout videos b/c my knees, arms, legs...well everything just can't take Level 2 for that many days in a row!
