Monday, January 4, 2010

McFatty Monday--1/4/10

Well, here it goes. A brand new blog for a brand new bod. I swore I would be down to pre-baby weight (and even minus a few extra lbs) by the time my child turned 9 months old. You know they say it takes 9 months to gain the weight and will take 9 months to lose it. Well, that is only true if:

1. You actually work out and stop eating chocolate (HA)
2. You are one of those bitches who looked like a stick with a bump while pregnant and delivered every extra ounce you put on with your baby

I was also told that if I breastfed the pounds would magically melt away. Another funny one considering my child has never had a drop of formula.

Now, I do have to say, I did drop a lot of weight, but it was mostly water. That's my kind of weight loss folks---pee and lose inches. Well, turns out you can't pee out fat, so here I am. Doing what many people do around this time of year: resolve to lose the extra pounds.

I am 5'1" so 5 lbs shows. Well, I would like to lose 15lbs. I want to wear a size 4 again. I am hell bent on trying, even though I have a feeling that my daughter stretched my hips out beyond a size 4. (And it was for no good reason--the little stinker was cut out of me, thus hips did NOT need to get wider.)

So here it goes: my get skinny goals for 2010.

I have started out small so I don't fail. It's foolish to promise to work out an hour a day when I can't even get a full round of laundry done. Every day I set a small goal for myself. I started out on January 1st with the goal to not eat ANY sweets for the whole day. SUCCESS! I have also made it a goal to work out a minimum of 10 minutes per day on my elliptical trainer. If I'm having a crazy day, that's all I might be able to do. Regardless, my butt will be on that damn thing if it kills me, EVERY DAY. That way I will be in a routine, even if it is one of those days where it seems like a pointless 10 minutes. I got 20 in on Sunday, so I'm doing pretty darn good!

Today I only got in 10 minutes since it was a crazy morning and my first day watching my friend's little girl. I even WOKE UP EARLY to get my work out in. That was a major accomplishment for me considering my child hates to sleep so I soak up the slumber when I can.

My daily food goal is to not eat any sweets today. I am going to throw away the leftover Christmas cookies today, the angel food cake from New Years Eve fondue, and hide my chocolate covered calories cherries.

Keira will turn one on March 25th and by then I had better be down 10 lbs. That is less than 1 lb a week. Come on skinny jeans!


  1. That is a really awesome idea to give yourself daily goals! Although, mine would always be, "Don't go out to eat, don't eat sweets", b/c those are 2 things I love most. Hehe.

  2. I am so proud of you! I heard today on the radio some DJ was doing the same thing w/a blog and posting daily weigh-ins. I don't have a scale, but I would love to challenge you to a pound a day until I see you in March! Bring it on!!
