Saturday, February 13, 2010

Truck'n Along

I failed to report yesterday, but I wanted to give my modification a good solid day's try before seeing the results.

I am VERY happy to say, that I am only doing a small modification and it seems to have really helped the milk issue. According to Phase 2, you can eat oatmeal, just not instant. One of my BFF's Jenny posted this recipe for Kath's oatmeal on her blog and I tried it out. As much as I hate "real" oatmeal, it was not too bad. Granted, it will be much better when I can add peanut butter to it like she does, or pumpkin. (Only 1 tsp of PB is allowed in P1 and you can only eat nuts once per day. Pumpkin is P2). I shook some cinnamon and nutmeg in the oats this morning and it went down better.


I'm down another .9 lbs! So, that comes to a total weight loss of 3.3 lbs since Monday! That is great! I am also sitting right about 131.5 so I am ALMOST to the 120's again! I am excited. If I can lose 4 lbs during week 2 then I will be down to my pre-pregnancy weight!!! I feel so much better. My clothes fit me better and my husband even notices a big difference when he hugs me. And my hip bones poke out again! SCORE.

Oh, and as a sidebar---I noticed my milk did better when I did not work out. I think my body needs to hold on to all the calories I AM eating since breastfeeding burns between 300-500 calories a day. I think by adding workouts it was hindering the milk flow as well, so that will stop until I hit Phase 2 or 3 depending on how the trial goes. :)

Yesterday's Meals:

Breakfast: Small bowl of oatmeal and ham egg and cheese cups
Snack: Pistachios and string cheese
Lunch: Steak salad with black beans and cheese
Snack: salad with chopped chicken*
Dinner: Spinach salad with casserole*

*We went to a friend's house for dinner last night so I ate some salad before we went to make sure I got my 2 cups of veggie quota and ate an extra helping of spinach salad instead of having a large portion of casserole. (Which was not SB friendly.) Worked out fine! All in moderation. :)

Today: More snow. NOT GOING TO EAT BADLY!

Breakfast: oatmeal and ham cup
Snack: Cheese stick and lean turkey deli meat
Lunch: Chicken salad with chick peas and red pepper hummus
Snack: hummus and celery
Dinner: Cornish game hens. (The meal that didn't happen the other night. They were still frozen!)

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